Over 1 Million+
From Emergency Rooms, Physical Therapy, Imaging, Pain Management, Anesthesiologists and Surgical Centers, we’ve reviewed charges from all practice types.

Abacus Analytics provides analysis based on comparing a hospital or medical providers’ charge data to similar medical provider’s charge data, not government or commercial payor rates.
Retain an Abacus Analytics medical billing expert witness that has real world experience working on chargemasters and negotiating with third party payors. Abacus experts can effectively articulate the direct and indirect costs associated with providing medical care.
Abacus Analytics valuation reports can be provided to your firm in less than 30 days. Whether the case is large or small, an Abacus Analytics medical billing expert witness can provide quality analysis without breaking the bank.
From Emergency Rooms, Physical Therapy, Imaging, Pain Management, Anesthesiologists and Surgical Centers, we’ve reviewed charges from all practice types.
A fee is 'usual' when the charge amount equals the amount usually charged for a given service, by an individual physician to his private patient (i.e. his own usual fee)
A fee is ‘customary’ when it is within the range of usual fees currently charged by physicians of similar training and experience, for the same service within the same specific and limited geographical area
A fee is ‘reasonable’ when it meets the above two criteria and is justifiable, considering the special circumstances of the particular case in question, without regard to payments that have been discounted under governmental or private plans.